Who are "We Like Milngavie"?

"We Like Milngavie" (WLM) is a community group formed in January 2010 to oppose the planning application submitted by Tesco in 2009 to replace its present Milngavie store. The group is fully constituted, with a committee of twelve which generally meets monthly. Current office bearers are: Robin Brown, Chairman, Graeme Ross, Treasurer and Eve Gilmore, Secretary. It receives continuing support of the many local groups and individuals who share its views.

These include all local community councils, Milngavie amenity groups, local residents' associations and many hundreds of individual residents.

We Like Milngavie is entirely non-party political.

The group will promptly correct any errors of fact in this website. To contact the committee please email:


How Tesco portray WLM

Tesco falsely portray WLM as a non-representative group of individuals, seeking to obscure its role as an umbrella group for the community at large.

Thus during the appeal, the third party was consistently referred to as "We Like Milngavie", ignoring the partnership with Milngavie Community Council.

A letter published in the local press in August 2011, widely believed from other content to have been written by Tesco, stated "I WOULD like to know how many people are actually in the We Like Milngavie group because everyone I have spoken to about Tesco's proposals agrees that Milngavie does need a bigger store than what Tesco are offering at the moment".